Occasionally you will find yourself in a situation whether it s repurposing a finished pot or poor planning while making a piece where you need to drill a hole into fired and glazed ceramic.
Drilling through ceramic pot.
Before drilling put on your eye protection and earmuffs.
A good drill is important so you have the power needed to properly drill through your pots no matter what material they re made of.
I m talking about the task of course and not the actual material.
How to drill a hole in a ceramic pot.
Some of them specifically say not to use it on certain materials even if it drills through tile painter s tape.
Information on the tools.
I like your tip about making sure that you use water to help cool and lubricate the bit while you are drilling through ceramics.
Repeat this process until the hole is completed.
Spray bottle of water.
Then we applied moderate pressure while drilling down into the ceramic pot with a slow to moderate speed.
Drill bit for tile and stone or glass and tile drill bit.
For example drill a small indentation then remove the drill and dampen the hole and the base of pot with water as this will prevent the pot from getting too hot and cracking.
I have a dewalt drill and it is an all around great quality drill.
It took only about 10 seconds total.
It will now be useful to again wet the base of your ceramic pot to cool it down now that the drilling is complete.
After you insert the 5 16 inch glass and tile drill bit into your drill make sure you have a firm grasp on the ceramic pot to hold it in place with the hand that is not holding the drill.
If your pot is quite thick make sure to blow off the ceramic dust as it piles up.
The ease of drilling is of course going to vary depending upon the material of the container however do not be intimidated as terracotta containers are very easy to drill.
Tools needed to drill drain hole in ceramic pot power drill.
Step by step guide.
So how can you take advantage of cool looking ceramic pots vases bowls candy dishes.
Drilling through ceramics is actually not as hard as one might think.
My pot was pretty thin so we were able to easily drill through it in one go.
I ll have to keep that in mind if i want to do the same thing in the future.