Temperature sensor feature broke on me after a few months both the display and the value it sends back to my vera lite z wave controller are totally wrong showing a steady negative value.
Everspring z wave temperature humidity sensor st814 2.
St814 temperature humidity detector with lcd.
3m built in 60db beep tone.
2 8 out of 5 stars 54 ratings.
Its great compatibility with the z wave product family makes it suitable for smart home cloud based platforms.
The temperature humidity detector is a z wave enabled device which is fully compatible with any z wave enabled network.
Inclusion of this detector on other manufacturer s wireless controller menu allows remote operation of connected modules when the detector is triggered.
Ranger hold digital tn led display lcd panel with backlight displays temperature humidity battery status and transmission indication built in 60db beep tone reminding sound 0 c freezing point alert design for table placing wall mounting 3 x 1 5v aa type battery operation.
Z wave temperature humidity sensor eu 300 series st814 temperature humidity detector features max.
Give warnings when temperature or humidity reaches preset trigger values.
When significant change is detected the sensor signals your z wave enabled system or alarm sold separately to alert you.
Install the sensor either indoors or outdoors for personalized protection where you need it features.
Everspring z wave wireless temperature and humidity sensor st814 2.
Off the temperature humidity detector is a z wavetm enabled device which is fully compatible with any z wavetm enabled network.
Includes lcd display with fahrenheit and celcius temps.
The everspring z wave temperaturehumidity sensor warns you when a rooms temperature or humidity reach preset trigger values.
Inclusion of this detector on other manufacturer s wireless controller menu allows remote operation of connected modules when this detector is triggered.
Report sensor type 0 x 05 relative humidity if the rf reading is 00 it implies no node id has been allocated by z wave precision scale size 0 x 01 sensor value 1 20 90 controller.
The temperature humidity detector is a z wave enabled device.
Z wave compatible temperature humidity sensor.
Z wave wireless temperature humidity sensor by everspring.
The flood detector is designed so that the transceiver is mounted on the wall and its probe is placed in a location where leakage or flooding is probable.
Z wavetm enabled devices displaying the z wavetm logo can also be used with it regardless of the manufacturer and ours can also be used in other manufacturer s z wavetm enabled networks.